Traditional Stucture

This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

Panggung physical appearance
Traditionally Panggung appearance is like simple operating box,standing on stilts and raised approximately 1.5 metres above the ground. It measures on the average between 3.5 to 4.5 in length and between 3.0 and 4.5 meters in depth, with an internal height at the back just enough to allow a person to stand without knocking his head against the tilting roof.
(Citation from : Ghulam-Sarwar Yousuf(1997) The Malay Shadow Play : An Introduction)
Construction and Material 
The traditional-style Panggung is constructed of wood and thatched palm leaves called attap.The roof of the structure projects slightly forward beyond the front pillars and floor boards. The front of the panggung is totally open to allow for the emplacement of a screen (kelir).The side walls seldom have any opening while a small door at the back allows access into panggung interior by means of a simple ladder.

  This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

 The use of wood and bamboo from near forest around the village become main component to the structure of Panggung.Besides wood and bamboo, areca-nut stem (batang pinang) also used to support the structure of panggung.

The Pole
There are four main poles that straighten at each corner of panggung.Each of it is between 4.5 to 6.1 meters in depth along with one pole called 'Tiang Seri' place at the center of panggung.The wood will at first being cut into halved with the inner side of the wood facing inside.


Layout of main poles and tiang seri

This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

Besides these 4 main poles there are 15 extra poles that means to support the structure of panggung. These are called 'Tongkat'.
Layout of the main and the supporter poles ('Tongkat').

This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

All of these pole are bond together using a technique called 'Pemeting'.Pemeting is use by means of tighten up the knot to make sure the structure are more steady and strong.

'Pemeting' that attach to the pole

This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

The Wall and Door
 This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

The wall of panggung traditionally was made of bamboo blade or palm leaves.Those blades or leaves are then be wattled ,tied and stack to become the wall.

There is a door for means of entry and exit. The door design as open or fence-less to facilitate the movement in and out from panggung.

The Ladder 
There are 3 types of ladder that usually built for panggung.
  1. Crisscross Ladder
  2. Single Ladder
  3. 'T' Ladder 
Crisscross ladder
The Crisscross ladder was made of bamboo stem,wood or the areca-nut stem.The concept of built this ladder is crossing between 2 stems of wood.
Crisscross ladder

This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

Single Ladder
The single ladder is one of the simple technique of preparing the ladder.It is just using one stem of wood normally coconut stem placing below the door.

Single ladder

This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

T ladder
The T ladder require a strong wood stem to built it.The T design requires 2 wood stems bond together using knot and pemeting technique to strengthen the structure.
 'T' ladder
This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)

The Roof
The roof was made of palm leaves.The leaves are cut and folded in two, which than covered a bamboo blade.The leaves are folded in overlapping way and tied with a rope.
 This illustration obtained from the book Wayang Kulit:Warisan Teater Melayu (Ainu Sham Ramli & Mohd Azmi Ibrahim ,1999)