
The video of Wayang Kulit Performance

Traditionally a performance last an entire night, starts soon after sunset with an overture (talu) of gamelan music and continues without a break until dawn. 
some of the instruments that used in wayang kulit performance

Pak Hussin plays the puppet

The audience is not expected to sit silently, people meet friends and talk to them, look around, sometimes they get a snack from the stall, those who need to rest take a nap, the point being not the content of the story but the ritual efficacy of the performance.

From the observation at Kg Gelang Mas everyone more or less knows how a wayang play will proceed, and the exciting parts that they like to watch the fight scenes and, in particular, the moment when the hero appears with his servants at midnight. According to tradition, any one at wayang performance is safe from evil influences which normally plague people, even though they may be so far from the screen that they can barely hear the voice of the dalang.