
What is Panggung? 
Panggung is a simple theatre where Wayang Kulit performance took place. Normally Panggung was built at a wide and open area to facilitate the audience to see the show of Wayang Kulit.

Site of Panggung and the Ancient Taboos
The selection of a site for Panggung as well as its construction have traditionally been guided by a number of ancient taboos (pantang larang).Certain sites such as those near human habitation,close to tree-stumps,swamps or abandoned wells are considered undesirable and are consequently avoided.

While such sites may be unsuitable form a practical point of view,their avoidance is usually explained as being determined by the fact that they may be the abodes of invisible beings (hantu,makhlus halus).In the event performances at such places cause offence to these beings, they may in turn harm performers or spectators or even conceivably cause performances to fail.

The angle at which the panggung is placed in relation to its surroundings is considered important,the customary practice being to align it east-west so that a puppeteer faces east while manipulating his figures.

Traditionally the construction of panggung was apparently done under the supervision of ritualist (bomoh).This is no longer being done,and overall with increasing modernization and the rising influence of Islam,many of the traditional procedures connected with the construction of panggung wayang kulit are being totally abandoned.

Traditional and Modern Criteria of Panggung
In the past,the stucture design of Panggung must meet the criteria of Wayang Kulit Performance and most importantly it must be easy to be demolished. Following the nature of Wayang Kulit Performance that just took place few days to complete the show, the structure must be impermanent so it will be more cost-effective.

But today panggung wayang kulit was built permanently at one place.The structure is more proper built and secure to use.